Chronic Insomnia and Cures

Chronic insomnia occurs in all age groups, according to statistics from the World Health Organization show that more than 50% of the population have symptoms of sleep disturbance, more than one-third of patients with insomnia for many reasons. 

Chronic insomnia affects not only do serious harm to the health of your daily activities. In all patients treated by me here most of them are suggesting that insomnia be caused by old age, and it is normal for modern society. But all was confusion, all of pathogen causes come from lifestyle and activities of each person created, but a few cases due to the impact of external factors created as: injury in the brain, daily work pressure, panic, anxiety and focus mainly people put much thought and always in a state of tension. 

The symptoms of disease in this case is usually the fatigue phenomenon, dizziness, disturbed hearing ear, neck and shoulder fatigue neck pain, limb numbness, nervousness, easy angry in any case, difficult to sleep and woke up several times during sleep, when you are delirious sleep, do not feel sleepy at night and only when close to sleeping well, waking up tired body, loss focus and you'll notice right away that your urine color and fall together with unpleasant odor than normal. This is a serious warning stage of your disease, if you do not have the therapy time to end this phenomenon as soon as possible you can suffering from some chronic diseases insomnia the causes such as mental health, depression and dementia, numb hands and feet fatigue, headaches and migraines, neck and shoulder pain lumbar spine, stress, fatty liver and diabetes, cancer, and special especially lung cancer. These diseases will surely suffer if you do not end longtime illness insomnia. 

The main cause of insomnia: 

- You can see that the major cause of insomnia due to cerebral ischemia, causes accounted for 80% of patients with symptoms of chronic insomnia which subjects are elderly, after menopausal women, sedentary men limbs, people with a history of chronic diseases, and not exclude some cases of abuse of stimulants, painkillers, anti-inflammatory and diuretic. 

- The excessive use of stimulants such as alcohol, coffee and painkillers will cause prolonged sleep deprivation, stress and increase the body's hormonal . It is a major cause immune impairment and loss of mechanical resistance can lead to the spread and penetration of infectious diseases and cancer. 

- Some patients directly affected by the previous medical history of diseases such as osteoarthritis pain, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, digestive disorders, urinary infections, diabetes, peripheral nerves can affected, causing prolonged sleep deprivation. 

- Due to experience some of the life events that affect mood, causing emotional trauma. 

- Changing habits sudden or personal activities inordinate may adversely affect your sleep. 

- In addition, due to the impact of the external environment, such as light, noise, sudden weather changes also affect sleep seriously. 

The effective treatment of chronic insomnia: 

If you suffer from insomnia due to the long days of the factors that influence disease history: digestive disorders, urinary infections, diabetes, peripheral neuropathy, I recommend combination drug therapy and acupuncture. Acupuncture is a therapy of traditional medicine with great effectiveness for patients with diseases caused by the impact of a history of central nervous system causing neurological disturbances do psychological damage causing a loss sleep. Also you should exercise regularly at least 4 hours per day and remember to soak the foot in warm water for about 30 minutes before bedtime. You should add the drug increases brain blood circulation to increase blood flow to the brain to reduce stress, fatigue and promote restful sleep. 

If cases of insomnia due to habits in your lifestyle, you should rearrange to each job fair in your schedule, try to give up bad habits affect health, learning and work. Here is what you should do every day to create good sleep for you: 

- Always create a good psychological state each day, avoiding collision or impact on emotions, feelings cause psychological stress. You should happy and smile every day even if things do not match your taste. 

- Right now victims be limited to a minimum or to give up bad habits such as daily drug use, addictive. This can disrupt your life not only in sleep disorders that involve serious diseases. 

- Good sleep hygiene, this is what you pay special attention. Please keep your toilet to everything on your bed clean, fragrant feeling good sleep. You can put your ear a favorite song before bed. 

- Eat a healthy diet, increase the vital nutrients to the body, added Vitamins A, D, E in vegetable foods, meat in the diet daily. Do not eat too full, and drink too much water before going to bed. 

- Increasing physical activity, exercise every day will give good sleep and good blood circulation. 

- Design and installation place in your bedroom in a reasonable way to avoid the impact of the external environment, such as light, noise, odors, climate, landscape. If the outside of your bedroom window overlooking the beautiful natural scenery and the beach is very good, it feels soft and comfortable to the psychological impact sleep. 

Above is my share. I wish everything good and beautiful sleep.

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