The factors related to diabetes

In recent years, it has demonstrated that there are many factors the cause of diabetes. According to the US National Institutes of Health, the risk factors of type 2 diabetes include:

- Persons aged 45 and older the incidence type 2 diabetes from 90 -95%. Today, the disease tends to occur in younger patients, increasing age, the risk of developing diabetes as adults.

- Overweight (BMI greater than 23 for Asians), fatty male (waste circumference greater than 90 cm for men; or greater than 80 cm waist for women, high WHR). Over 80% of people with type 2 diabetes have overweight.

- Blood pressure of 140/90 mmHg or higher.

- Family history of a father, mother, brother, sister with diabetes. Research evidence proving that the family members with diabetes are more at risk for diabetes.

- Women with a history of gestational diabetes, or a history of giving birth to (greater than 4 kg)

- People with disorders fasting glucose or glucose intolerance. This is a group of people with higher blood glucose in the normal range but not enough diagnostic criteria of diabetes.

- Their LDL cholesterol or high triglycerides.

- Less physical activity.

- Several studies in the US prove that. Ethnic groups of Africa, Asia, Latin America, American local population speak Spanish very susceptible to diabetes .In addition it also noted a number of other factors such as: consumption of alcohol, smoking is also considered risk factors of diabetes In fact, there are many factors involved are difficult to change as related to habitat and diet of each nation and race. Among the relevant factors mentioned above have relevant factors can not changed and there are factors that can changed; this is especially important to take measures to help impact on the relevant factors can changed, which may prevent or slow the progression type 2 diabetes.

The relevant factors are not changed

+ Element Ethnicity / race: Each race has susceptibility to type 2 diabetes differ. Susceptibility of type 2 diabetes recognized for the first time in the life of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, recently Asians and Middle East, the native American, African-American, Native red US, Canadian native, Torres Strait Islander and Australian indigenous Polynesian people of New Zealand, Mexican Americans, and Pima Indians. The incidence diabetes in Asian Indian natives were also higher in the UK, Fiji, South Africa and in the Caribbean. The difference in frequency. Diabetes also recognized among the communities in multiethnic Hawaii and New Zealand, the native Hawaiian and Maori have a high incidence of diabetes than other races.
+ Factor family: According to the World Health Organization, Type 2 diabetes is often related to family history of diabetes. The study on 573 people age 20 and older Bahrain FI Zara noticed to 41.7% of cases had a history of diabetes family history of diabetes, because in the group who did not have diabetes proportion of families of people with diabetes is only 16% -23, 3%. Research on the risk of type 2 diabetes will increase 2 to 6 times in those with parents or siblings with diabetes. So there is a family history of diabetes sufferers is a useful data for assessing susceptibility to diabetes by a member in the family. On the other hand with a family history of diabetes may not related to genetic reasons. The members of the family have the same environmental impact, especially in children and adolescents.

+ Heredity: Type 2 diabetes occurs in twins more homozygous twins heterozygous, which suggests genetic factors play an important role in determining susceptibility for patients with type 2 diabetes studies on twins homozygous ratio was found similarities with type 2 diabetes by more than 90%, even when different body weight. However, not all two members are homozygous twins with type 2 diabetes if a person a disability diabetes.

+ The age reason: Prevalence of type 2 diabetes increases with age. In populations with a high incidence, the prevalence type 2 diabetes is highest in the youngest group (20-35 years old); while in the other group the incidence and prevalence is highest in the older group (55-74 years old). Overall prevalence of Type 2 diabetes decreased in people over 75 years of age due to high mortality in this group. In developing countries, due to population rejuvenation, there are many cases of Type 2 diabetes occurs in young and middle age. Previously seen in type 2 diabetes is a disease of adults. Yet in recent years, many studies have shown that the disease can still occur in children and adolescents, diabetes in children often have no symptoms and primarily by screening.

+ The development the fetus. There is an association between birth weight and glucose-insulin metabolism abnormalities later. According to the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF), the Asian newborns weighing less than 2500 grams birth weight is low, normal-weight children from 2500 grams to 4000 grams below. Recently people interested in the level of influence the risk of developing diabetes during pregnancy the mother's uterus. Children of mothers with diabetes are often large and heavy at birth, tend to obese during adolescence and risk of type 2 diabetes early. Much of the risk of future diabetes in children as a result of environmental exposure to diabetes in utero side. The young mother suffering from diabetes are born at risk for diabetes later than 3 times the child was born before the mother suffering from diabetes. Diabetes occurs early in the mother suffering from diabetes and further increases the risk of diabetes for the next generation. The link between low birth weight and diabetes Hale and Barker DJP (2001) suggest that the fetal nutritional deficiency reduces beta cell mass and the relationship between diabetes and low birth weight related to the genotype "save", type 2 Diabetes will occur when conditions become excess nutrients. Thus, the retardation the fetus in the womb considered as a reason risk of developing diabetes later. Some authors suggest that parents can bring specific gene affects insulin, making themselves and their children at risk for future diabetes.

The relevant factors may prevent change

+ Obesity: Obesity is a common feature comes in type 2 diabetes and is a risk factor of type 2 diabetes money Obesity has increased in many populations in recent years as a result of the interaction between genetic factors and the environment, including: metabolic disorders, low physical activity, eating too much compared to the demand. Many studies have shown that the risk of type 2 diabetes in people with the lowest BMI <21. Furthermore, obesity is favorable factors contribute to high blood cholesterol, lower concentrations and increases HDL.c blood glucose.

+ Less physical activity: many studies show the importance physical inactivity in the form of money Type 2 diabetes, sedentary lifestyles have led to a corresponding increase in obesity rates. No activity is the main cause of cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease and mortality, physical activity, people do not the ability to easily develop heart disease than double those activities. Exercise increases insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. Exercise reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes in both obese and non-obese. Exercise at least 7 hours a week reduces the risk of Type 2 diabetes and 39% compared with less than 30 minutes of exercise a week. Subjects with a family history, with the exercise and a healthy lifestyle can slow down or even prevent the onset of clinical diabetes.

+ Diet regime made to consume more vegetables, fruits, fish, poultry and whole grains, cut the risk of type 2 diabetes measure and quality of fat will affect metabolism glucose and insulin sensitivity. Dietary fat disrupt glucose metabolism in a variety of mechanisms such as reduced ability to bind to the insulin receptor, disrupting transport of glucose, decreased glycogen synthesis and accumulation skeletal muscle triglyceride. Some studies have shown that eating carbohydrates increases the incidence diabetes. In particular there are many studies show eating more carbohydrates reduces HDL and increases triacylglycerol. The insulin production stimulated repeatedly by a diet high in carbohydrates and will lead to reduced ability to secrete insulin in type 2 diabetes onset. There are authors that way for food or drinks to have health hazards including white sugar or brown sugar, honey, syrup or high fructose sugar, or any kind less than 10% added sugar daily energy. On the other hand, studies on many animal models showed that increased consumption will lead to increased blood sugar pressure even after controlling weight. A meta-analysis of 88 studies showed that the link between sugary drinks weight gain so much influence on women.

+ Drinking: A large amount of alcohol consumption reduces the absorption glucose and impaired glucose tolerance mediated insulin, probably due to toxic effects of alcohol directly on pancreatic islet cells and inhibits insulin secretion and increased insulin resistance. Moreover, many alcohol use increases the risk of BMI and other diabetes while light or moderate drinking reduces the risk. Many studies have determined that disease-related alcohol consumption and alcoholism as stroke, myocardial disease due to alcohol, many types of cancer, cirrhosis, and pancreatitis, accidents ... Case Study on and ecological evidence showing reduced risk of coronary heart disease by reducing drinking low or moderate level. Moderate amounts of alcohol can determined by one or more cups / day for women and no more than 2 cups / day for men. One unit corresponds to 1 12-ounce cans of beer; 1 5-ounce glass of wine or 1.5 ounces of hard liquor, such as whiskey. Each unit equal of 12 grams to 14 grams of alcohol.

+ Dyslipidemia: The increase in free fatty acids (FFA) plasma plays an important role in the development type 2 diabetes through mechanisms causing insulin resistance. Developing type 2 diabetes because the pancreas cells not enough insulin to compensate for insulin resistance is increasingly evolving. There is a close relation betweendyslipidemia and type 2 diabetes

+ Hypertension: Hypertension is one of the risk factors diabetes type 2. About two-thirds of people with diabetes have hypertension. Both diabetes and hypertension have increased risk of myocardial infarction. Diabetes Association and the National Institutes of Health recommended. People with diabetes should keep blood pressure under 130/80 mm Hg and blood pressure should check at least 2 to 4 times a year. Hypertension, diabetes causes serious cardiovascular complications. In a study in subjects without diabetes, insulin resistance occurs 2 to 4 hours after an acute increase in the concentration free fatty acids and requires about a time equal to disappear after the concentration free fatty acids in blood t run back to normal. The increase in plasma free fatty acids after a few hours will lead to increased triglycerides in muscle cells and cause insulin resistance. free fatty acids may cause insulin resistance by increasing oxidative stress. free fatty acids also affect the function insulin in the liver via the mechanism of glycogen reserves increased resolution and thus causing increased hepatic glucose production and increases blood glucose. However, increased levels of free fatty acids contribute to disturbances in insulin secretion only in high-risk subjects.

+ Lifestyle changes: Changing eating habits, exercise and sports, weight management, smoking cessation, do not drink much alcohol.

+ Cigarette: Smoking linked to insulin resistance, the risk factors of type 2 diabetes in both men and women. Research shows that 70% of tobacco increases the risk of type 2 diabetes and the benefits of smoking cessation for type 2 diabetes can only be seen after 5 years longer to do the same as non-smokers never the time to stop smoking in 20 years. According to the ATP III in 2002, a major part of diabetes treatment is to make lifestyle changes such as eating Reduce saturated fat less than 7% of total calories day, eat less than 200 mg of cholesterol per day , choose foods to increase LDL-C reduction as stanol / sterol plant 2 grams / day and increased soluble fiber 15-20 grams / day, losing weight if overweight, maintaining a healthy weight and take weight room, moderate physical activity to consume 200 kcal / day.

+ Stress:  Stress level is clearly related to insulin resistance, but the resistance in this case is capable of recovering. The researchers said that while increased glucocorticoids stress may give to insulin resistance. Stress affects insulin resistance directly or indirectly through interaction with leptin leads to increased blood levels of leptin and leptin inhibits the activity promoting the state of leptin resistance, which contributes to insulin resistance
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