What is diabetes?

There are so many people still can not imagine what the root cause of diabetes and diabetes from. Why divided into 2 types of type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. I will show you this through the following concepts.

Diabetes also known as dinsipidus that expression of the disease is a syndrome characterized by the increased expression of glucose in the blood as a result of the loss was due entirely insulin or related impairment of secretion or insulin action. It was found that diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by chronic hyperglycaemia often combined with the destruction, the dysfunction of multiple organs, especially the eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart and blood vessels.

Diagnostic criteria identified:

According to the ADA in 1997 and World Health Organization recognized in 1998, declared the application in 1999, insipidus was diagnosed for when any one of the three following criteria:
- Standard 1: blood glucose = 11.1 any mmol / l. Attached to the millions drink plenty of evidence, diuresis, weight loss without cause.
- Standard 2: fasting blood glucose = 7.0 mmol / l, while medical tests who were hungry after 6-8 hours of not eating.
- Standard 3: Blood Glucose in time 2 hours after the test method hyperglycaemia = 11.1 mmol / l.

The test must be repeated 1-2 times in the following days.
If a person is over 2 times that test blood glucose index = 11.1 mmol / l. That person has been ascertained diabetes. But to comment on the severity of the patient is necessary to specify who is in the type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes?

What is type 1 diabetes ?

Type 1 diabetes accounts for around 5-10% of patients with insipidus in the world. Caused by the beta cells - we destroyed, causing absolute insulin deficiency the body (lower insulin levels or complete loss). The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) certainly close relationship with the development of type 1 diabetes, type 1 diabetes depend on genetic factors and is often detected before the age of 40. Many patients, especially children and adolescents expressed acidosis ketones are the first symptoms of the disease. The majority of cases are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes usually a lean body condition, but fat people are not excluded. People with type 1 diabetes will have insulin-dependent life completely.

There may be other subtypes:
- Diabetes-mediated immunity.
- Diabetes mellitus type 1 unexplained.

What is type 2 diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes accounts for around 90% of diabetes in the world, more common in adults over 40 years old. The risk increases with age. However, due to the rapid changes in lifestyle, eating habits, type 2 diabetes in younger age groups tend to develop faster. Characteristic of type 2 diabetes is insulin resistance associated with relative deficiency of insulin secretion. Type 2 diabetes is usually diagnosed very late because the first phase hyperglycaemia progresses silently without symptoms. When clinical signs are often accompanied by other disorders of lipid metabolism, the pathological manifestations of cardiovascular, neurological, renal ..., sometimes complications were severe degree.

The biggest new feature in the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes is the interaction between genetic factors and environmental factors in the pathogenesis. People with type 2 diabetes can be treated by changing habits, combined medication to control blood glucose, but if this process is not well done, the patient will be treated by using insulin.

What is gestational diabetes?

Gestational diabetes is common in pregnant women, blood glucose increased, met for the first time during pregnancy. The evolution of gestational diabetes mellitus postpartum according to three possibilities: Having diabetes, impaired glucose tolerance, normal.

Through the concept of type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes, we can see that type 2 diabetes is a disease showed that patients had severe complications and very dangerous to life.

"The 21st century is the century of the disease Endocrine and metabolic disorders" - This is an affirmation of the medical professionals in a press conference on health topics from the 90s of XX century has been become a reality. In particular, insipidus and NCDs that are of primary concern in the WHO strategy health care community.

Diabetes is a social disease high in many countries by the rapid pace of development, a hazard to health. Diabetes also become hindrance of the development, a burden to society when the world each year to spend huge amount of money from 232 billion to 430 billion dollars for prevention and treatment.

According to WHO, in 1985, about 30 million people with insipidus worldwide, with approximately 98.9 million in 2004 who have, to date about 180 million people and that number could double to 366 million by of 2030. It is one of three diseases have the fastest growth rate and is one of the causes of death in developing countries.

So if you have symptoms of diabetes on, hurry to the medical facility for advice and timely treatment, to avoid the cases and animal disease becomes more severe and dangerous to lives.
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