Cure insomnia with natural methods

Insomnia is often a matter of headache and discomfort to many people. Most people when ill typically find the solution treated with modern medicine. But you should know that the disease is not always necessary to drugs, and treated with modern methods will bring good results. Part of it is costly for your money. The remaining problem, if you abuse too much on drug to cure insomnia sometimes more easily create adverse reactions in your body and complications to a disease other than insomnia.

You can also start your healing process with reference to a number of treatment methods and simple way that you can know or you can learn this from the patients with insomnia before and now they were out sick or greatly relieved. But one thing I'd recommend that you do not should use drugs or treatments modern while you without understanding the cause of your. Have you ever tried the treatments themselves However simple but sometimes it efficiently? Or you can refer to a number of natural treatments that I have compiled from interviews with patients who have had chronic insomnia and most of them had practiced  and for better results.

If you have suffered from symptoms of insomnia or not deep sleep, often wake up at midnight and difficulty sleeping again soon after. You can follow my instructions about some natural methods will help improve your sleep much. If you do this for a long time to make sure that chronic sleep problems will not continue, your health will increasingly be markedly improved.

Bedtime and wake up on time appointments available

This job requires you to plan a specific time for your sleep. You must preset the time to go to bed usually start from 9 am to 9:30 PM daily minutes, even if you have never done this or do not have the habit of going to bed at this time. But you must do it now and steadily every night, the first time you feel unfamiliar and difficult to go to sleep, but you rest assured and try to do this because when you get into the habit early to bed, then you've fixed the circadian clock in  your body and it will work on a certain schedule and help the nervous system orientation for your sleep and bring sleep stable for you.

Also time to go to bed predestined, you should also set out a plan time to wake up every morning, the best time to wake up around 5am range - 5:30 every morning. This is the perfect time for you to receive the fresh air of the morning, and there are many benefits to the organs in your body such as the liver, lungs, kidneys, heart and circulatory activities your body is better. Over that over 93% of people who wake up late after 7am Most of them get sick such as pneumonia, liver cirrhosis, kidney stones, heart and the body is always in a state of fatigue.
You have to wake up on time every day and morning exercise, avoid sleeping more cases, persistent sleep will disrupt the natural biological processes causing complications to the circulatory system, nervous, cardiovascular. You must do this even if you do not want, set yourself a habit to sleep early and wake up on time will greatly improve sleep and your health.

- Expose yourself under the morning sun.

In addition to bed early and wake up on time, this is what you should do in the morning at 5.30 - 6.30 AM. Immerse yourself under sunlight for at least 25 minutes every day that you do not have to wear a hat, sunglasses and should not look directly into the sun will damage the eyes. Morning sun brings a lot of good in your body and it helps the digestive system, cardiovascular system and lungs stable operation, destroying harmful bacteria on your body and the most important is that morning sun will help synthesize the enzymes, hormones in the body, including the hormone melatonin plays an important role in making your sleep is deeper.

- Do not nap too and drink lots of coffee

If you nap for 15-30 minutes a day  it will be very good for you. But if you sleep to sleep or nap habits will make you many hours of no sleep on night and no feeling of wanting to sleep at night, this is extremely bad. Gradually, this habit will bind you to nap repeatedly instead of bedtime. And you will lose sleep at night definitely. Also, drink a lot of coffee is not good for your sleep. Iencourage you, if you chronic insomniac, you should quit drinking coffee as soon as possible even if you do not want that. For those who are sensitive to caffeine or compounds would not be beneficial to sleep. Whether you drink less or drink more, I recommend you renounce it is better. If you quit drinking coffee, I believe you will sleep a lot better than before.

- Exercise every afternoon light

After each day you finish your work at work, you should choose a sport to participation as football, swimming, badminton, or participation in the 500-meter walk each way, this will reduce stress while working mind, relieve stress, and it is better to make the muscles and joints of your expansion, allowing the blood circulation is better. When you exercise afternoon finished, nervous system and your muscles tired and need rest. So, you go to bed at night is your nerves rested and are regenerate health for the next day. This you can easily see your body is very tired and sleepy, very deep sleep and do not know that you went to sleep from time.

- Meditation at least 30 minutes every day

According to Chinese medicine science, Meditation at least 30 minutes each day will help you cure dozens of diseases, not only insomnia. Meditation your body will be plenty of rest, balance the yin and yang states, the organs of the body to sleep in a state of autonomic (self-treat or neutralize toxins). Sitting meditation is the goal of kung fu new Chinese martial arts founded by the Dominicans in the Stalin temple and handed down generation to generation. This course has helped a Chinese martial arts medieval internal stability and center, which increased during the fighting force. History shows that those subjects learned win every disease and even fatal diseases like diabetes, cancer. However, to practice meditation you have to have good training methods, you not can train yourself. I have known a book guide meditate effective method of increasing y Chine Sheng Li Stalin Temple in Beijing and be compiled in English. Ebook considered guidance practice kung fu right method. If you can buy this book useful for your life I think it is very good. You should not regret the money even if you have no disease or illness. Buy it for long-term use not only for you but for your future generations to use. I recommend you spend a little money to buy this book, because it is totally beneficial and not harmful. You can see it here.

- Not bath and relax before going to bed 2 hours

Warm water be regarded as herbs relieve your nerves calm. Let soak in warm water for 2 hours before bedtime. You should not shower as close to bedtime, because it's not good for you, you will feel very tired and lethargic after waking up. So, take a warm bath with about 2 hours before bedtime, and please do not miss this: Let's find a way to relax before bedtime, such as read a book or watch movie, listen to music his favorite or play a game you feel like. It will stimulation increase the  nervine and will create a deep sleep.

- Do not think about anything before going to bed.

Let's put all the work and everyday thoughts behind your bunk bed. Instead you breathe a deep breath and breathe it out slowly, continue to do so for about 10 minutes. Then you will fall asleep. You should remember that every one second you think will have an impact on the brain caused tension and make you sleep later than 7 minutes. This is also the reason I recommend light exercise every afternoon after work by you. Because of this job will purge all your thoughts and return equilibrium to the nervous system.

These are natural methods that I know it bring efficiently in your sleep, I had to share it for you. If you have one or more good method, please share it to everyone to know. I hope it's really helpful for many people. Thank you.
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