Unforeseen dangers of insomnia

Insomnia is a common phenomenon in modern society and cause significant harm to people and society . It does not just stop at the large economic losses caused to the patient but also increases the burden on society, one of the reasons causing the delay in labor productivity, decreased academic performance, ability communication and social relationships increasingly shrinking. When insomnia, brain in a state of "stupor", can not mentally focus on anything, Your judgment reduced, poor concentration, memory much reduced , minded not sober. Therefore, adjustments insomnia are adjustments circadian clock of your body, helping the brain to relax, eliminate stress, enhance  memory concentration and wisdom. Stressful lifestyle can cause us not sleeping well and sometimes Working in too long or too much fun, all this excessive activity are affecting the quality sleep and no deep sleep. However, this is only the immediate consequences. If prolonged sleep deprivation will make you irritability, anxiety, panic and increase the risk of serious disease. To realize the importance sleep for your life to look like, and how to overcome this phenomenon is most effective. We let's review the dangerous consequences brought by lack of sleep.

Affect the skin

For women, to have a beautiful white skin, not folds is  a great thing and a lot of women wish. But in reality there are very few women who feel proud of their skin. Many people have complained about the level of degradation of their skin, but they all do not know that chronic sleep loss affects 70% to their skin. Experts cosmetic surgery and skin treatments only tells us: Lack of sleep makes your body does not produce growth hormone cortisol which in turn creates a stress hormone found, can break down collagen in the body. This stress hormone increases the inflammation caused by acne and can create skin wrinkle formation soon. Lack of sleep affects the protection natural skin, dry skin and increased sensitivity of the skin. Since then the cuticle becomes weak and self-protection is very poor, especially when exposed to toxic chemicals and environmental pollution today.

Insomnia often leads to obesity and hypertension

Lack of sleep will alter brain activity leading to more hungry and increases cravings for fatty foods. Over the examination patients with chronic insomnia shows the correlation between the spike phenomenon of obesity in industrialized countries and the decline in the amount of sleep. These people insomnia often have the phenomenon frontal previous  remission in all activities, but in deeper brain regions toward the center have reaction to the stronger. In addition, after undergoing tests dietary choices of subjects in the 80 pictures of different foods. The results showed that most of them have expressed crave foods high in fat, oil grease. Thus proved that why people sleep less  tend to weight gain or obesity.

One of the most visible manifestations of the long-term insomnia which is high blood pressure, High blood pressure is the pressure necessary blood to impact the arteries to increase blood flow to nourish the body's tissues. . When you have insomnia, lack of sleep or poor quality sleep will cause stress and pressure to heart. That is why when you are awake your heart beats faster to take the blood around the body. While you were sleeping, the body does not need more blood flow, so slow heartbeat and this time the heart is resting more. So when you do not have much time to rest it also means your heart work harder and be tired heart muscle due to multiple activities, it can increase blood pressure or heart muscle may thicken, and this inevitably leads to more serious matters of the heart. That's why lack of sleep are at risk for high blood pressure. The proportion of people with chronic insomnia are likely to twice as high blood pressure than those who get a good night's sleep. The fact that the ability to handle blood sugar of people only sleep 4 hours a night decreased to 40% compared with people who have a deep sleep. Hormone stress called cortisol is increased and damaging memory. So lack of sleep are at risk for high blood pressure

If you do not want to face the risk of obesity and hypertension should then have a good sleep.

Insomnia can a threat to marriage and your happiness

That is true. A study presented at the 2009 Annual Conference of the Association for Solidarity sleep (APS) in Massachusetts (USA) shows that married women sleep better than single women, and those who have a happy married life can avoid the risk of sleep problems. On the other hand, the study also shows that sharing a bed with a partner snoring can harmful to marriage. Besides irritability, lack of sleep because of snoring can cause depression, anxiety, and conflict in marriage. To your marriage more salt concentration, check snoring your sleep and your mate . Snoring is a symptom of the phenomenon of sleep apnea sleep disorders cause sleep disorders not only for themselves but also for who is next.

Insomnia also reduce libido in men very high, the ability to reduce libido 60% in women with no deep sleep or sleep 25 hours per week. It will impede married life and of course happens unnecessary conflicts.

Lack of sleep disrupts circadian rhythms, increasing levels of anxiety and depression

Lack of sleep will cut the quality of leukocytes leads to impaired physical reactions to combat the stress of the body, although it creates reactions prevention and increase your anxiety levels and causes reduced nerve transmitters that regulate your mood .

Just one night of sleep deprivation will make your mood arise cranky in the next morning , and if chronic sleep deprivation will
increases the risk of depression. Brain images shooting show that lack of sleep can increase the activity in the emotional centers of the brain. Those who do not get enough sleep 7-8 hours / day, even without a history of depression is more likely of developing the disease if sleep deprived

For a good night's sleep, turn off the light from the electronic equipment including telephone, television and closed his eyes. Avoid gadgets on 1-2 hours before bedtime will help ease the stress of mind, and go to sleep more easily.

Distractions, dementia and cognitive deficiencies

This is particularly true with who sleepless nights. If sleep interrupted often, the brain spend very little time for the
the status REM (dreaming and deep sleep stages) - REM is very necessary for sleep. As a result, people will feel sluggish and difficult to do the task and remember everything. People with REM sleep is often better sense of awareness and feel better about happy family and improves mood considerably.

job performance reduced, and the risk of job loss is very high

Lack of sleep can cut the performance of your job, which means that you are not getting enough energy needed to handle his job, all your actions become sluggish, capable of handling the situation in inefficient work and of course you will not complete the work assigned during the day. If this situation continues, the risk of job loss is very high. You will fired. Every year many people have met this situation. In the United States in 2012, according to statistics showed that over 40% of people lost their jobs do not complete assigned tasks and over 90% of them admitted his chronic insomnia as dementia Property, poor memory and always dull in every job.

You have a short nap can boost mood and enhance work performance. A reasonable nap is about 20-30 minutes will help reduce the feeling sleepy, regain mental clarity, energy recovery faster and can help awake to embark on the task immediately. According to scientists, about 26 minute nap improves work productivity by 34%, but should not last more than 40 minutes to avoid falling into a fatigued state.

Insomnia often at risk of outbreaks of fatal disease

Admittedly, insomnia is the culprit causing a lot of diseases, including diseases that we can most often mentioned as: diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer liver, lung, breast cancer in women and the appetite is not conducive to health.

Lack of sleep also causes an increased risk of cancer. A 2008 study conducted in the UK showed that women who sleep less than 6 hours / night with the risk of developing breast cancer, and a researcher at Harvard Medical School (USA) for results , those who sleep less than 6 hours / night will be at risk of developing colorectal tumors lead to colon cancer. The main reason is the hormone melatonin produced during sleep can resist the growth of tumor cells and the lack of sleep, this hormone is very much limited.

If you have insomnia or each manifestation start of insomnia above. Protect your sleep is better if you can, or you can find solutions to cure insomnia with natural methods. I wish you do not fall into these risks.
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