Gestational diabetes should eat what best

Gestational diabetes should eat, eat what they like best but still good for both mother and baby. This is the question that most women suffer misfortune. To ensure adequate supply of nutrients and avoid risks to the fetus and especially do not let the disease develop type 2 diabetes later, the women with diabetes in pregnancy should listen to this advice.

If you are overweight before pregnancy, you will recommended calorie restriction during pregnancy and for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise each day. You will also need to careful to avoid sudden increase or decrease in blood sugar. To help you understand this, I can create a special diet your guide on:

• The foods you should and should not eat.
• Number of food for every meal.
• Number of meals per day.

Those with gestational diabetes should aware of carbohydrate in the diet

One of the main energy source for the body's sugar (glucose). The body uses a hormone called insulin to control blood sugar and turn it into "fuel" for the body. If you have gestational diabetes, the body does not produce enough insulin. As a result, blood sugar levels can very high and leads to problems for your baby.
You can keep your blood sugar under control by changing what you eat and exercise. In fact, 80-90% of women with gestational diabetes can control their condition in this way.

There are two types of carbohydrates provide energy for you. They are:

- Carbohydrate complex (also known as starch).
- Simple carbohydrates (also known as sugar).

Sometimes, complex carbohydrates described as good carbohydrates and bad carbohydrates are simple but this is not entirely correct.

Simple carbohydrates include honey and natural sugar found in fruit and milk. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and some dairy products are a healthy pregnancy.

If you have gestational diabetes, but eating too many foods and beverages that contain sugar, it would be difficult to control your blood sugar. Experts recommend at least half the energy in the diet should from carbohydrates, mainly starch carbohydrates, including rice; bread; pasta; cereals; potato.
Gestational diabetes should limit suites to eat more fruit

The foods and beverages for pregnant diabetic so diverse enough starch and fat. Those with gestational diabetes should not eat sugar, although you do not need to cut sugar completely. Ideally, you should eat fruit, especially fruit juices, milk and yogurt as part of the daily diet. Your body will absorb the simple sugars in fruit juice or milk slowly. That's because the sugar mixed with elements such as fiber and protein.

Glycemic index (GI) and food

Glycemic Index (GI - glycemic index) of a food just sugar (glucose) from food goes into the blood levels after eating. Foods with a low GI foods are rich in fiber, which helps you manage diabetes. These foods make your body takes longer to digest and glucose released slowly into the bloodstream.

- Some examples of low GI foods: bread made from wheat flour; apples, oranges, pears, peaches; beans; sweet corn; porridge.

- Some examples of high GI foods: potatoes; cornmeal cake; white rice; bread.

Choosing low GI foods can help you control your blood sugar. However, that does not mean you should avoid foods with a high GI.
High GI foods mixed with low GI foods may cut the rate of glucose released into the blood. Examples of foods that made in this way are: butter spread on toast; served with potatoes and peas.

Improved diet for people with diabetes in pregnancy

Eating a breakfast of science: A healthy breakfast will help regulate your blood sugar throughout the morning. Try to have a breakfast with low GI foods. Porridge is a good choice because it releases energy slowly and evenly. Or you can choose cereals and bread, served with a protein-rich foods like a boiled egg or low-fat yogurt. High GI foods such as toast, eat together white sugar and jam can quickly increase your blood sugar.
Eat a variety of foods during the day: Eat regular meals and snacks to the average daily volume. You can also eat 2-4 snacks, including evening snack to keep blood sugar levels stable.

Eating high-fiber foods: These foods tend to contain low GI. This will increase your blood sugar levels do not rise too high after meals. Foods high in fiber include fresh fruits and vegetables; breads and cereals; peas and other legumes.

Eat five servings of fruits and vegetables each day: Make sure you have at least five portions of fruit and vegetables every day: more fruit to your breakfast; choose two vegetables in your meals. Cut the fat, especially saturated fat: Use olive oil or sunflower oil for cooking and salad; Boiled, steamed instead of fried foods; Trim fat from meat.

Do not skip meals: Try to eat meals at the same time each day and have the same amount of food. This will help reduce your blood sugar levels more stable. Do not eat too many sugary foods: Try to cut down or quit sweets, fizzy drinks ... These foods containing simple sugars, rapid increase your blood sugar.
You can dilute the juice with water. Only juices diluted once / day. The rest should use filtered water.
When gestational diabetes can not controlled by diet

Sometimes, the change in diet is not enough to control blood sugar (about 10-12% of pregnant women with diabetes). Then you need to take medication. Your doctor will prescribe medication or insulin for you.

Whatever type of diabetes not everyone always have to remember: Diet + Exercise + treatment of diabetes science will help you get the best health. Especially for women with gestational diabetes, diet must the basis of a very thoughtful and quick to make sure there are no effects for both mother and fetus.
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