Over 52% of people with diabetes do not know they get sick

A reality show that current growth rates of diabetes in the world is alarming, data through surveys of patients in 25 countries in 5 continents shows that the percentage increase in patients pre-diabetes in about 8-20% / year. Is more serious than 60% of the population worldwide falling into pre-diabetes but do not know their disease. It caused by diabetes works quite quietly, almost all patients undergoing disease without any symptoms. All they admitted that pathological stage was hurting in many organs in the body of them and severe complications increasingly worse, costs very expensive treatment and the patient's life endangered.
But before you get sick, usually there will be a period known as the "window". This is period pre-diabetes, high blood sugar levels than normal range, but not enough to diagnose diabetes. According to estimates, about 52% of the population are pre-diabetic. And with this group, risk the progression to type 2 diabetes will occur within the next 10 years and more than 50% of these are at risk of heart disease or stroke.
However, it is very fortunate that people with pre-diabetes and diabetes can control the disease through adjusting your lifestyle. So you should make lifestyle changes such as how to properly? Here are some tips to change your lifestyle to limited to the lowest level of risk variables may occur.

Make healthy diet

It fed every meal components include: carbohydrates, fat, protein, fiber. In addition, vitamins and minerals in the diet drug lacks substance. It is worth noting that the energy needs of each person is different depending on weight, degree of labor, so the diet of each patient's diabetes is different. Patients with diabetes should decrease alcohol.

Distribution reasonable meal

You can use split mode 3 meals breakfast - lunch - afternoon. In patients with type 2 diabetes should not eat many meals, however, diabetics are insulin can divided into 5 meals (3 meals and 2 snacks). The allocation about food meals are still in the total energy of the day calculated.

In the diet should limited to slow absorption lines (foods containing starch-containing cereals, tubers, seeds such as rice, noodles, bread, potatoes ... These foods to eat in moderate amounts and can substitute for each other. Avoid sugar absorbed: soft drinks, sweetened condensed milk, sweet tea, confectionery ... should eat more vegetables because vegetables contain fiber helps slow the absorption sugar and fat meat should abstain if kidney disease or kidney failure. Patients with diabetes should regularly meet Dietitian to adjusted diet reasonable and timely.

Physical activity

Exercise 30 minutes a day, 5 days per week. Prior to test cardiovascular training, foot (check that there is no reduction or loss of the circuit, with symptoms of clarification, deformed feet or not). It should drink enough water, suitable shoes to go barefoot injured and dry, wear badges diabetes, you should note the collective identification in case of hypoglycemia to manage time.

Must be pre-measured blood glucose, if glucose 14 m mol / L (252 mg / dl), ketones infection should not take part. When blood glucose levels <6 m mol / L (108 mg / dl) can eat 15g of carbohydrates. Always available sources of sugar to treat a hypo as soft drinks, candy. If a positive exercise to cut insulin does before training or added carbohydrate source. Exercise planned and specified training time is how long each.
For patients with type 2 diabetes are overweight or obese may consider weight loss medications such as drugs for the treatment women. During and after the exercise you need to prevent the risk of hypoglycemia by adding a carbohydrate source or cut the dose of insulin to the body, consider snack before bedtime if hyperglycemia after exercise showed a lack of insulin rehearsal, so blood sugar can monitored closely to reasonably adjust insulin doses.

Consider these comorbidities or complications

If you have peripheral neuropathy and autonomy should make the exercise less trauma such as swimming, cycling, rowing, chair exercises and arms; exercises should not heavy, prolonged walking, jogging.

If you have kidney disease should take the form of low-intensity exercise such as walking to the medium should not do these forms of high intensity exercise such as jogging.

If you have diabetic retinopathy, should exercise movements have little impact on the retina, such as swimming, walking, biking spot should not do strenuous activities such as running faster, weightlifting, rowing sailing, tennis.

Avoid sedentary lifestyle: You should not sit motionless watching television more than 2 hours per day instead intensify the simple daily activities such as walking, doing housework, gardening. In addition, patients should not smoke because the nicotine in it promotion gastrovascular complications and coronary disorders.

Considerations when drinking: Patients with unstable blood sugar levels or have other medical problems such as pancreatitis, dyslipidemia, neuritis should not drink alcohol. Minimizing stress is an effective way to prevent and reverse the body's insulin resistance. You have a good mind, a happy and optimistic spirit is the ideal solution for this serious disease.

These are particularly valuable advice for people with diabetes and predicates. Your life may not feel free if you come out of it.
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