Careful with the risk easily occur with type 2 diabetes

To help people with diabetes are aware of the risk of harm and the most likely affect their lives and their relatives. Here I will show you the risk often occurs in patients with type 2 diabetes and the elderly diabetics.

1. Diabetes can lead to brain atrophy

A recent study showed that elderly people with pre-diabetes and those who has type 2 diabetes often half reduced brain size and intelligence capabilities quickly in just over 2 years. This is the conclusion an Australian team by Katherine Samara associate professor of Garvin Institute of Medical Research chair, study results show that brain aging may lead to blood sugar situation worse, even before the disease can diagnosed type 2 diabetes decreased brain volume is the inevitability aging, but experts has pointed out that the elderly often have not blood sugar levels stable and easily get type 2 diabetes, the potential loss of brain volume 2.5 times higher in comparison with the last 2 years of age. Reducing the size of frontal lobe greatly affect cognitive function and quality of life of patients.

In the study, experts have compared magnetic resonance images of 312 subjects participated in the study. Calculated from the beginning of the study until the end of two years of research in those aged 70-90 and not dementia. At the start of the study, 41% of which are pre-diabetic and 13% have diabetes type 2. After the end of the study, the participants be divided into 4 groups:

+ Group 1: Includes those with glucose levels stable, normal (102)
+ Group 2: Includes people with prediabetes mild (120)
+ Group 3: Includes those with worsening glucose (57 people)
+ Group 4: Including people with type 2 diabetes before (33 people)

The MRI images show that in the first group lost an average volume of 18.4 cm3 brain total brain volume in two years. Meanwhile, group 2 brain volume loss urgently of 1.4 times compared with group 1 (26.6 cm3). Group 3 and group 4 lost brain volume 2.3 times group 1 (respectively 41.7 and 42.3 cm3). From the research team concluded the specific situation of a blood glucose after 2 years can significant tool to help diagnose the degree of brain volume reduction and the risk of harm to cognition and wisdom of the disease.

2. The risk of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis complications

You can easily see that in patients with type 2 diabetes often have serious complications of osteoarthritis, in these patients characterized by insulin resistance is very high insulin levels in the body is not enough to resolution of glucose, the patient's body so hard to produce nutrients for the body, where calcium generated very low proportion should easy to cause osteoporosis. The density  bone calcium per mg very low proportion and tends to decrease, the condition progresses silently over time. Diabetes itself is the culprit causing osteoporosis and its processes contribute to early onset disease, heavier or faster progress.

Patients will notice immediately as carpal tunnel syndrome, neck tube feet tingling and pain. The numbness increased when patients loose limbs, bending the wrist, ankles for hours. This is the expression a pinched nerve in the wrist area, ankles.

When the tendons in the palm fold thickening caused hands and fingers are shrinking, curl curled back like bird's foot injury due to the very small, discreet occur in diabetic vascular complications is available nho.Benh usually progresses silently, feeling at first difficult to stretch your fingers until completely fingers flexing and intense pain. Damage caused fibrosis and shrinkage can occur in the feet and can hang male genitals.

One other form of damage finger springs. Patients can not easily swung open finger once tried folded. When red swollen wrist, the patient was pain when doing normal things like using a hand-held tools, motorcycle riding or carrying a heavy object.

This is due to the thumb tendon inflammation. Bone mineral density of patients with diabetes is usually lower than the normal 20% - 30%. The bedridden due to fractures, especially hip fractures, if care is not well lead to ulcers and infections, the risk of death.

Osteoarthritis Complications

Group osteoarthritis disease due to diabetes cause very severe consequences, especially in people over 10 years of diseases and blood sugar levels are not controlled. Patients often do the leg tendon retraction, displaced joints of the feet, numbness and bone and joint injuries.

Increasingly deformed feet, sequelae that patients with walking difficulties, prone to stumble. Characteristics of diabetic nephropathy patients do not feel pain or little pain hurt so easily overlooked until large ulcers, difficult healing, even at risk of being cut off a finger or both feet.

Vascular disease in the lower limbs can cause necrosis to patients at risk of disability due to amputation. The hands of people with diabetes often perennial shrinking, due to palm becomes thick, coarse and cupped so that the patient can not straighten his palm and fingers. Status amyotrophic also very common, especially in the large muscle mass the back, buttocks, thighs. Therefore, patients with diabetes need treatment to bring your blood sugar to normal levels in parallel with the combination therapy to proper diet, exercise regularly and need regular physical examinations to screen diseases of bones and joints, eyes, liver, kidney ... to prompt treatment.

3. Beware of hypoglycemia

Due to the increasing amount of high blood sugar, diabetes patients often have to use multiple drugs to lower this index .And the combination of irrational or excessive eating diet patients are prone to low blood sugar, can suddenly go into a coma.

Hypoglycemia can easily occur

I have met patient with diabetes over a year now. Initially his blood sugar level is 15 mol / l after treatment in hospital, now he continues to take medication exactly as prescribed medication instructions, but lately he's constantly the Hurricane dizziness, trembling, sweating ...

These symptoms relieved when he ate a piece of bread or drink a glass of soy milk, despite advice decreasing the does but this phenomenon has continued to make him and his family very worried .
By the hypoglycemia, the organs can fall into the energy shortage, the physical activity stalled. Especially the brain and red blood cells are the two organs in the body depends entirely on energy from glucose. So prolonged hypoglycemia can cause brain damage, coma or even death.

Corrects the way?

Understanding the causes and means to find proper solutions.
Specifically, hypoglycemia occurs in the following cases:
- Eating too little, skip meals or eat slowly after oral or injectable diabetes medication sugar apple. Drinking or high dose of the drug to treat diabetes.
- Train your employees or too heavy, too long compared to normal.
- Or by some interaction of the drug that the patient group used to treat other diseases such as anti-inflammatory drugs, some fungal medications or antibiotics.
- Also drinking too much will inhibit hepatic glucose from glycogen synthesis. If patients with liver disease, kidney, heart heavy or severe infections, such as impaired thyroid or adrenal insufficiency are very susceptible to hypoglycemia.

4. Gastroparesis acute

When the muscle layer in the stomach paralysis will lead to stomach operation is not complete. Depending on the level of paralysis, presence of food in the stomach longer than usual without kneading, crushing and moved to the small intestine. Food in the stomach too long, the fermentation occurs, creating a favorable environment for bacterial growth. Sometimes food agglomerated to form hard lumps of food, food hinder circulation to the intestines.

Signs of gastroparesis

The most common is the feeling of fullness, nausea, and vomiting. Nausea, vomiting, or appear after a meal. In cases of severe gastroparesis, vomiting can occur without regard to meals, because stagnant food in the stomach before. Food vomiting usually in the form of primitive operations because there is no food mill (other than the vomiting of food was crushed by other disorders).

Other symptoms include: pain bloating, no sooner (feeling full stomach when eating). In severe cases of paralysis, weight loss occurs, nutritional deficiencies due to lack of energy intake or diet unreasonable.
In diabetics control blood sugar is not good, long-term glucose increases will damage the nervous system, causing complications appear: feeling disorders, movement (due to neurological damage feeling campaign or peripheral), gastroparesis (if damage the vagus nerve and in labor thick).

Gastroparesis affect the digestion food from the stomach to the intestine. This causes blood sugar control more difficult. And so will do worse gastroparesis. In addition, a number other reasons also cause gastroparesis as surgical damage the vagus nerve, using drugs cut gastric activity or scleroderma ...

Combination therapy between diet and medication

If gastroparesis due to possible adjustments, paralysis will improve even after overcoming the cause. Particularly in patients with diabetes, controlling blood sugar, will improve. Treatment ofgastroparesis need for close coordination between rational diet and drug therapy (treatment of symptoms: nausea reduction, increased activity of the muscles of the stomach and treat the cause).

Goals of treatment include: providing a diet containing food from the stomach easy to transport and energy levels consistent with the needs and background conditions (diabetes); Good control or treatment of disease that causes paralysis background (such as medication to help stabilize blood sugar in the diabetic gastroparesis); cut the annoying symptoms of patients (bloating, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting ...); stimulate stomach muscle layers.

Gastroparesis not affect the health and quality of life but also aggravate diabetes so difficult to control blood sugar. To detect disease early, to take proper interventions, thereby improving patient illness and live a comfortable life.

5. The risk of necrosis

In addition to cardiovascular complications (hypertension, atherosclerosis, cerebral vascular accident, myocardial infarction); kidneys (protein in the urine, renal failure); eyes (cataracts, blindness); nerve (paresthesia, numbness of hands and feet); infections (skin, urinary tract, tuberculosis, foot), the peripheral vascular disease, which is the most common cause of vascular disease of the lower extremities to gangrene and amputation complications huge impact on health of the patient.

Vascular complications due to diabetes divided into two categories: major vascular complications such as coronary artery disease, peripheral artery disease and stroke; microvascularcomplications, such as glomerular disease, neuropathy, retinopathy. Below mentioned onlymacrovascular complications in patients with diabetes.

In addition, peripheral vascular disease are also common in patients with diabetes. This caused by blood vessels that bring blood to nourish damaged legs reduces blood flow to the legs. The bad blood makes leg skin becomes dry, cracked skin, prone to ulcers and infections. This expression is usually discreet, hardly recognizable as: changes in skin color, cold or numbness legs, leg pain at rest ... peripheral vascular lesions, in conjunction with peripheral neuropathy, will do wound healing. On the other hand, high blood sugar is a favorable environment for bacterial growth and reduces the resistance the body. Thus, the wound can sores, infections, can progress to gangrene if not treated properly and promptly. When this risk is very high amputation.

People with diabetes over the age of 10 years or above 60; glycemic control; have deformed feet,vacuum bottles, blistering feet ...; had sore feet; the expression peripheral nerve damage and / or peripheral vascular lesions; amblyopia; Renal complications; travel shoes fit your feet ... foot ulcers are more likely to occur if the risk factors listed above, or there is a risk, but in severity.
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