Wave hazards in your home WiFi

Today, with strong growth of information technology has a positive impact on the health and lives of so many people, of which most is not to mention the harmful effects of electromagnetic waves. This pathogen is quietly but very little known and barely able to recognize it. WiFi waves may impact negatively on the overall health status and the human brain, especially with children. It can destroy an active part of the nervous system of humans and make the brain less active awareness, operating all activities in life. Additionally, with strong intensity broadcast WiFi combined with long-term exposure of humans will lead to the terminal in the human body genetically caused diseases such as cancer insurance to poverty, depression, defects students (for pregnant mothers exposed to long periods wi-fi).

For easy understanding of the harmful effects caused by wave wi-fi on people, let's review the symptoms it has caused.

Insomnia often

According to a study in 2007 showed low frequencies from mobile phone waves affect sleep. Those exposed to electromagnetic radiation in a long time can lose sleep and change brain wave patterns. Experts suggest that if you sleep near the phone or live in a house or apartment with wi-fi signal can cause chronic insomnia. For many, the lack of sleep was beginning to serious problems such as the development depression and hypertension.

Hazardous for infants

Exposure to radio frequency radiation from non-thermal mobile wi-fi and can disrupt the growth of cells, especially for the fetus. According to a study on animals in 2004 found that the animals regularly exposed to wave phenomena wi-fi has delayed the development the kidney. According to a 2009 study by experts wi-fi Austrian can disrupt protein synthesis is most evident in the growth pattern of children and adolescents.

Hinder growth

A group of Danish students have distracting phenomenon after sleeping with mobile phones. They conducted experiment on garden enhancements to check the impact of wireless wi-fi router.
A reform planted beds in a room no wi-fi and a wave radiation other beds planted next to two routers has released an amount of radiation the equivalent a mobile phone. Results showed that planting plants with radiations near no growth. Same thing with the human body, the gamma radiation of waves will completely kill the cells of the body grow.

Reduced brain activity

The human brain has 15 million nerve neuron role in regulating blood vessels and dominate all human activities including awareness activities are the most appreciated and most dominant to work human activities. Once the neurons affected by external factors such as strong light, noise, radiation waves will degrade all activities required of the brain screaming and making the brain more stagnation in the works action. You can see this if you do a test: put the phone close early bedtime, go outside in the sun or under the influence the large frequency sound in the long run. You will feel your mind fatigue, confusion and impairment in learning, work and throughout all operations

Memory decline

This is of course if your brain healthy guaranteed. A person with a good memory when their brain chemistry is working well and does not influenced by the external environment. If you are regularly exposed to intense wi-fi in the long run will lead to prolonged sleep deprivation and loss of brain activity. This is also the reason you have memory loss and more severe can lead to mental illness, silly.

Adverse impact on sperm

We've known the hazards caused by heat sperm using laptops regularly, or those who work in high-temperature environments has killed their sperm count?

But experts have warned that the heat is not the only threat to kill the sperm of men, this is only a very small proportion. Many studies have shown that exposure to frequencies wi-fi reduced sperm movement and cause DNA fragmentation.
Both trials on humans and animals have shown negative effects of wi-fi to sperm.
Difficulty becoming pregnant
According to the results of a study on animals that exposure to a certain frequency of wireless devices can interfere fertilized egg (embryo formation).
In the study, mice exposed to constant wi-fi 2 hours for 45 days much increased the oxidative imbalance. It also impacts on the structure of DNA, impair fertility.

Increased heart rate

The scientists said that people living in an environment multiple wi-fi or 3G, mobile phone signals will undergo a physical response to the electromagnetic frequency. The reaction here is similar to the heart rate of a person is experiencing stress.

Potentially very high cancer

This is a problem caused much controversy. We can not deny some modeling studies on animals have shown that exposure to electromagnetic radiation increases the risk of developing tumors.

However, studies on humans are rare. Which must include a case involving 21-year-old woman who developed breast cancer at the chest, where she regularly to phone in your pocket.
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