Proper perspective on diabetes in children

Along with the economic growth rate, the condition the material and spirit of the people was also one day be improved. The families began to interest mode "refresher" for your child, take care of them in the best possible conditions. However, the methods and nutrition for youngsters not parents would also understand and comply strictly. The good development in terms of both place and force of the child does not mean "cramming" for so much food ... the article not only increases the risk of obesity but also lead to many other ailments risk, particularly children at risk for diabetes from early on.

The problems of the world today is the condition children with diabetes (diabetes mellitus) is the trend of increasing. According to statistics there are up to 10%-15% of children infected on the total number of diabetics. The parents are still subjective, given that diabetes is only seen in adults and surprise when informed that their children suffered from diabetes. Note that diabetes may experience at any age. In children the most common age is the age starts school (from 5-7 years) and puberty (between 11-13 years). However, there were some cases detect diabetes as early as newborn stage and children below 2 years of age.

We all know that diabetes mellitus is a disease caused by metabolic disorders of carbohydrates when insulin hormones of the pancreas are missing or cut the impact of the body, blood sugar levels by the expressions are always high; in the new stage play usually do patient urinate more, u.s. night and so did thirst. Diabetes is the main cause of more illness, such as heart disease and artery disease, fatal stroke, blindness, kidney failure, impotence, top-secret messages ... which type I diabetes mellitus because the pancreas does not produce insulin, which is most of the children suffer from diabetes type 1 is not detected early enough that it was not until the manifestation the disease is too obvious. With type I diabetes, genetic factors from parent or about 10-20%. Type 2 diabetes usually occurs in children are overweight, nutrition obesity or unreasonable, the rate of Overweight-obesity in young high in older today (10%-12%), risk of type 2 diabetes in children is as high. The symptoms usually begin suddenly and progresses quickly if not treated, or older suffer from stress and increased endocrine snow related to blood glucose or infections; bacteria, virus, parasite-in the environment or in food and. .. This disease when young, often signs in the early stages it is difficult to find, the younger just thirsty lot, or starving, many minor and lose weight fast. Other signs such as seizures, coma, infection, suspended dreams, fast breathing, abdominal pain, loss of perception often occurs when the disease was getting worse. Detection of diabetes in children is often very casually when doing the test or older being treated for other illnesses. With the child, if the diabetic more dangerous by older yet conscious of behavior in protection, for signs of the disease are not clear and the young in particular are very difficult to manually control the "appetite" of his.

If you know that every 30 seconds a person cut spending because of diabetes and every 10 seconds a person dies because of the minor street ...The total number of diabetes patients in the world has reached 3 million, 65% of which are the symptoms of diabetes until the outbreak is sure you'll look startled the diet for young kids.

As a precaution, the first and necessary readjustment on nutrition for children regularly check the general health and noted that tests on blood glucose (glucose in blood) or in the urine (urine test). Need motor behaviors and familiar children's labour, should young direction in a favorite sport and exercise with you. regularly consult a physician about medication, diet to get the proper treatment. With the older uncovered the disease, create a normal environment for children as the other children, the education children with a sense of hygiene, protect yourself against harmful agents from outside (easy to scratch, hygiene in eating...). World Diabetes Day this year, with the slogan "now to children would die of diabetes" rings a warning bell for the parents of even more concern to nutrition for young children.
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