The diabetes care when athletes

Dear friends, to better treatment for diabetes, also to diet, daily medication as directed by a doctor, the daily exercise plays an important role particularly significant in treatment is better, help patients shortening time their treatment. According to research from the University pharmacy of Bridgeport United States , daily exercise helps the body energy consumption, avoid the persistent accumulation of fat in the body. But especially for patients with type 2 diabetes has important implications, exercise daily with  intensity and duration certain will increases the level of insulin secretion in the body up to 35% and the liberation glucose in the blood carried out faster. But not everyone knows this. Most people practicing the wrong way and too much regulation, this will make the problem worse. To solve this problem better, I will give you some notes while practicing.

Maintain regular physical activity will not obese, causing the body to easily consume sugar, thereby reducing blood sugar levels. For patients with diabetes may cut the dose of insulin or hypoglycemic drugs ... Exercise has many benefits for people with diabetes, make sure that you have studied this issue for health care health for yourself. But when you learn  the exercise habits of patients would good more, but has its limitations affecting health. Not everyone is practicing patience will bring good results.

If you do not have the proper training methods, there would be the risk of hypoglycemia during and after exercise. The common phenomenon and is often seen as the most dangerous blood sugar is too low compared to the regulations, then the patient will feel hungry, trembling limbs, sweating, or coma. If you exercise too much and exercise too heavy with long distance running, running at a fast pace, playing basketball, playing volleyball with an intense ... you will have an increased risk of glucose blood within a few hours after practice. Patients with type 1 diabetes, if carried out in this form will quickly fall into ketone status. Especially for those who have a history of cardiovascular disease if the practice will to angina, arrhythmia. Many seriously ill, poor health, if more exercise can reduce blood pressure abnormalities.

In general, patients with diabetes should not strenuous exercise too, do not set goals for treatment campaigns will be faster, especially for patients with advanced age and poor health. You can attend training courses, such as walking, yoga and qigong will be very good for diabetes. In it, walk softly and reached 10,000 meters per day will bring positive results, you just walk and breathe deeply regular, prohibit completely exercise too heavy and too with your health status. The measure considered to the most suitable training.

According many to research in recent years, brisk walking for 30 minutes / day have ability to prevent development type 2 diabetes in obese patients and those with symptoms of hyperglycemia.If you have good stamina, you can work out exercise at a higher level, such as long-distance running, weightlifting, boxing, swimming, soccer, volleyball. But you should more careful, do not use all your energy to spend for a set time, which you set to adjust gradually to start at the lowest level.

Practice time usually start 15-30 minutes a day, if you feel too tired, do not try to keep training. In addition, you note the regular diet and closely monitor their health status to supplement energy timely, avoid sudden stroke cases by not providing enough energy while you have spending it too much. You should periodic health examination to know the effectiveness of the training. Your doctor will tell you the way health care followed suit with the condition.

It is my sincere advice to you, wish you have a good workout and quick results do.
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